Post-Op Care Instructions - Veneers and Lumineers 

Veneers and Lumineers 

  1. Anesthetic is usually used for veneer preparations. Your lips and tongue could be numb for several hours after your appointment. It is recommended that you avoid chewing until the numbness has worn off completely to avoid injury. 

  2. Sensitivity to hot, cold, and pressure is normal after your appointment and may persist while the temporaries are in place. The injection site may also be sore. Over-the-counter pain medications should handle any discomfort. 

  3. While in temporaries, you should take great care in keeping the gums around the treated teeth clean and free of irritation. We have prescribed a special mouth rinse to use. Pour a small amount into the lid and dip your toothbrush into the rinse. Brush the gums thoroughly around the temporary veneers with the saturated toothbrush and then rinse vigorously using the remaining rinse in the lid. If the gums become excessively inflamed during the time you are in temporaries, your appointment to bond the permanent veneers will be postponed for a  minimum of one week, or until the irritation is relieved. 

  4. As dental veneers are bonded to the tooth, there is some chance that the bonding agent may fail, resulting in the veneer “popping” off the tooth. If this happens, bring the veneer with you to our office. We may be able to re-bond it to your tooth. 

  5. Once the final Veneers are bonded in place, if you notice any dark staining at the gum line, experience hot, cold, or bite sensitivity, or any other unexplained persistent sensitivity, please call our office for an exam. 

  6. Your dentist may recommend that you wear a nightguard for as long as you wish to keep the new veneers protected from fracture. Nighttime clenching is the most common cause of veneer failure. We cannot warranty your veneers unless you are wearing your nightguard to sleep on a regular basis.  

  7. You may notice that certain sounds such as those made using the letters “v” and “f” may be difficult to make at first as the edge of the top teeth may be different than your original teeth and even the temporaries. Also, some patients complain that they feel they are spitting when they talk. Please understand that it may require time to re-train your lip when speaking and can take as long as 3-6 months.